Flowers on a Rainy Morning

“Your real work is play.”

—Austin Kleon, Keep Going

Gouache painting by Carmine, father of a Lafayette student.

Gouache painting by Carmine, father of a Lafayette student.

On Sunday I taught a painting class at Lafayette College. This class was for college students and their visiting parents, because it was Parents Weekend, and also it was to be the biggest class I ever taught, about sixteen students. I woke up to a gray, chilly day of pouring rain, and drove the Hunter Hill CSA, a local farm. The farmer, my friend Katy, was waiting for me with glorious bouquets of flowers which she had made, especially for this class.

I set up the classroom and students began to arrive, despite the rain, and I set everyone up at tables with flowers and paper and paints. (We were using gouache, an opaque watercolor that I favor.) Many of the students had never painted before! It was truly heartwarming for me to watch people experience the joys of painting for the first time.


One man, a father of one of the Lafayette students, kept saying, “I’m just an accountant,” and, “I suppose this is ok for an accountant,” in such a humble, sweet, rather woeful way. But I encouraged him to keep going, and at the end of the class he produced this delightful painting:

Gouache painting by “Anonymous Accountant,” father of a Lafayette student.

Gouache painting by “Anonymous Accountant,” father of a Lafayette student.

Here are a few more samples of work that was produced on Sunday. There were many more paintings than this, but I couldn’t fit them all in. I’m really pleased to see how the students made use of negative space, and paid attention to color relationships.

Gouache Painting by Jen, a Lafayette student.

Gouache Painting by Jen, a Lafayette student.

Gouache painting by Kathy, mother of a Lafayette student.

Gouache painting by Kathy, mother of a Lafayette student.

Gouache painting by Tedi Beemer, Lafayette College student

Gouache painting by Tedi Beemer, Lafayette College student

A few students holding their finished paintings:

So, all in all, it was a successful morning. Plus, Lafayette College made me this name tag, so it’s official:

I’m a real artist.

Me and my new name tag. It says it right here. Artist. (Woo hoo!)

Me and my new name tag. It says it right here. Artist. (Woo hoo!)

Further Resources:

Sign up for a Flower CSA at Hunter Hill Farm, and get beautiful bouquets every week throughout the summer!

Other Workshops I have taught:

If you would like to try your hand at painting, sign up for a Private Painting Lesson!

Or, explore gouache on your own! To get inspired, read my blog post: 10 Ways to Play with Gouache.