Stay Present

“Don’t try to control it. Stay present with whatever comes up, and keep your hand moving.”

—Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones

Morgan reading comic books. charcoal, 18x24 inches

Morgan reading comic books. charcoal, 18x24 inches

It’s Wednesday and I’m having a hard time building up momentum in the studio. On Monday, my son was feeling sick, so he stayed home from school. He sat in my studio and read comic books while I sketched him.

Morgan reading “Wings of Fire, Book 6” pencil on paper, 18x24 inches

Morgan reading “Wings of Fire, Book 6” pencil on paper, 18x24 inches

He perked up and did some painting of his own while I set up a still life for myself. (not shown)

Volcano in process.

Volcano in process.

Yesterday there was no school (snow day!) and I did ZERO art. We went to the park and played in the snow.

Today is ANOTHER snow-day…

We shall see what happens!